After two rigorous weeks of law school finals last month, Heidi, Trey, and I headed to Utah for an extended break. It was great to get back to the state. There is definitely a different feel. Utah is so much cleaner, happier, and aesthetically appealing. We got to spend ample time with family this year. It was nice.
It was fun to see Trey experience Christmas this year. He had plenty of toys and clothes from St. Nick to keep him happy. In fact, he was enthralled with his Mr. Potato Head. Go figure that that would be the golden nugget of Christmas.

Trey aged about four years upon receiving his first hair cut! He was pretty unsure about it and he wiggled a lot, but I thought he cooperated surprisingly well. The curly hair in the back was cute, but out of control. It was time. I'm glad we did it too, because he looks even cuter now!
Another cool thing about our trip, is I got to meet the attorney's that I'll be interning for this summer at the Box Elder County

Our time in Utah, not surprisingly, flew by and before we knew it, it was time to go home. I thought it would be weird to be back in town and our apartment, but just as Heidi predicted, it was like we never left. We arrived on Sunday, the day before school started.
On Monday I returned to school to reconvene with my old classmates. Again, not much was different. It was back to business as usual. I'm excited for my classes this semester. I have all new teachers (except one) and I got rid of a particular professor I couldn't stand. So all in all, I was pretty stoked. Here's a list of this semester's classes:

- Civil Procedure
- Torts II
- Constitutional Law
- Contracts II
- Property II
- Appellate Advocacy
I'm hoping to have a strong semester and finish at the top of my class so I can transfer back to Utah! I finished far better than I expected last semester. I thought it would be a disaster. I probably shouldn't reveal the exact details of my grades online, but suffice to say I think it might be enough to put me in the top ten. I was talking with a 2L student who remarked that my GPA was above average and in his class would have easily put me in the top ten. I hope he's right. So now I just have to keep up the pace and dedication and hopefully we'll be home in no time.
Well, it was good to see all of our family and friends on our trip and we were saddened to leave you all behind. We are especially grateful and forever indebted to both of our parents. They have done so much to watch out for our well-being and success and we can't thank them enough. We appreciate them all for putting up with us over the break. Well, I guess I better wrap this up and finish up some things for class tomorrow.

Treysen's hair looks cute and he does look older! That first haircut is always a little hard - letting go of the baby. Good job on your grades. We knew you would do great. It was great to see you guys over the break. Family is a priceless thing. We love you all!