My Only Wish This Year...

So what is my only wish this year? World peace? No more hungry children? Nope. My only wish is that I do well on Finals. OK, so that's a little self-serving, but it is my wish, right?

It is amazing to me that the semester is over. I was officially done with classes last Friday (Dec. 4th). I have two weeks worth of finals to look forward to now. Here's the schedule:

Wednesday, Dec. 9th -- Property
> 3 hour cumulative exam
> Essay questions

Friday, Dec. 11th -- Torts
> 1 1/2 hour cumulative exam
> Essay questions

Tuesday, Dec. 15th -- Contracts
> 1 1/2 hour cumulative exam
> Essay and multiple choice
(these aren't your grandma's multiple choice, either - they're HARD!)

Thursday, Dec. 17th -- Criminal Law
> 3 hour cumulative exam
> Essay questions

Wish me luck.

I got my Contracts mid-terms back last week and I actually did pretty good. I was surprised because I thought that I totally bombed it. On the written midterm there was a possible 60 points. Some people got as low as a zero on it (some got a negative score, which she graciously bumped to a zero). The average score was in the 20-30's (that's less than a 50%). I actually ended up getting a 47. The high was a 52, I believe. So I was happy about that. For the multiple choice exam I got 7 out of 10. Respectable. That's actually what the majority of students got (although I think some people got as low as 1).

So I'm feeling pretty good about Finals. I've been putting in a lot of time making outlines and doing practice problems, so hopefully it will all pay off.

We really haven't had much time to do anything with anybody lately because I've had so much going on. I did hang out with Mike a couple of times a couple weeks ago. Heidi went to the New Moon premiere with a bunch of women from the Stake so I stayed home and watched Trey. Mike came over and we went to dinner and hung out for awhile. The next night we had the missionaries over, so we invited Mike to come eat too. His wife is up in Canada getting ready to have the baby. Mike is staying in Laramie until school's out, and then he'll join her. In the meantime, we figured we'd try to keep him company, since he doesn't have his wife around.

Heidi got called as the 2nd counselor in the Young Women. A week later they "promoted" her to 1st counselor. That will keep her busy. So far I think she's enjoyed it. She's nervous about having to teach, but I'm sure she'll do great.

Little Treysen is getting to be not so little. It's amazing how much he's grown and developed in the few short months we've been here. He climbs on everything! I have to remember to close our bedroom door because he'll climb up on my desk. He's getting brave! In fact, a few weeks back he decided to try and climb out of the crib. That didn't work so well for him, but there were no major injuries.

His vocabulary is expanding rapidly! When I ask him, "What's your name?" he'll say "Bub-ba" or "Bub...s." It's fun to witness. It seems like he learns a new word everyday.

Well, that's all I have for now. I better get back to my practice questions. Look for our Christmas card in the mail (special thanks to Mark and Deb for taking the great pictures)! The next time I post, I'll have some info on Finals. Until then...

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